本例主要用来演示如何使用 wrk script 来进行压测
这里使用的还是我们的 whoami
下面这个脚本可以将返回的 response 写入到文件里
-- example script that demonstrates response handling and
-- retrieving an authentication token to set on all future
-- requests
-- wrk -c 1 -t 1 -d 5 -s ./test.lua http://whoami.lizhe.com
token = nil
path = "/"
logfile = io.open("wrk.log", "w");
request = function()
wrk.headers["test_token"] = "helloworld"
return wrk.format("GET", path)
response = function(status, headers, body)
logfile:write("status:" .. status .. "\n");
logfile:write("body:" .. body .. "\n");
ulimit -n 2048